How many schools are in Saddle Mountain District?
We currently have five schools (three elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school) with plans to build more as the need arises.
Was Saddle Mountain impacted by the recent vote to unify districts in the west valley?
No. As a district with both elementary and high schools, we are already unified.
I am new to the area. How do I register my child for school?
Simply visit our Registration page and follow the instructions.
How do I know what is offered for lunch?
Visit our Food Services page. It is updated monthly.
How do I get involved in my child’s education?
Parents are one of the greatest motivations for children. Visit your child’s school, volunteer to serve on the school’s site council or PTA, or ask your child’s teacher what you can do to help. The most important thing is to make an effort to be involved!